Monday, February 7, 2011

Decisions make STORIES

"Do you love me ?" Jennie asked.
Jack thought for a while. "Yes I do with all my heart"

"Even if it means never seeing me again for couple of years?" Jennie persisted
"It doesn't matter for me, not seeing you again in couple of years or so", said Jack. "I guess not a single moment will pass when thoughts of you will not hit my mind. We'll have thoughts and feelings of each other. We can think about them and we'll again fall in love"

"I know how it feels when you miss someone when he is not around. But I'm so sure of one thing we'll meet soon and this time without you is a tough exam. I'm gonna pass this time successfully" Jennie replied peacefully !

What's your story ?



  1. is it ur story ?
    it seems so...well I have no story yet :P

  2. "Whoops, there goes another rubber tree plant!"

  3. @ Riya, No dear its not mine :) I want you to come up with a story :D

  4. @Old Altonian Thanks for dropping by for the first time :) Hope to catch you in future as well.

  5. @Jingle Thanks for dropping by, hope you liked it :)

  6. @wasif :D hahahah. Thanks for dropping by :P

  7. I am not so sure about this. He should have been shattered and not so quick to accept. He speaks with forked tongue. Goodbye Jack!


Thanks for visiting and letting me know what you think :)