Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thankful to Blogger

Might be I can't explain in words how many wonderful things I have experienced since I started blogging in late 2010. I still pay owe to Mehreen and Aisha for making this happen :)

Happy Blogging,


  1. Awww :) Blogger has given that happiness to all of us :)

  2. @Muhammad Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. @Scribbling Gal Yeah it has indeed :) x

  4. Awww honey that's a sweet thank you note :)

    And thank you for considering me all that :) You always had it in you... You only needed us to give you a big push hehe!! :)

  5. we will be always there for u :)

    Thanks to u too :)

  6. Iqra,

    Read 2 posts now. Enjoy till the weather is good and before it becomes too hot to venture out. I can well imagine how it must have been when swans crossed road under protection. You are alway welcome to share what you wish with us here. I am sure you will never fail to achieve whatever you aim for.

    Take care

  7. Aww! :) That's such a sweet letter. I don't think many bloggers give Blogger enough credit-just look at how everyone complained last month!


Thanks for visiting and letting me know what you think :)