Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's nice to feel warm

Hey folks I am back to town. I had an awesome weekend and the entire week is good till now. I saw something fabulous back couple of days. I was passing by a lake and the traffic was blocked. After few minutes I saw the swans were coming out of the lake and crossing the road in a row. Oh, that was adorable. The white and black swans all coming out and crossing road in happy mood. The cars were stopped and everyone was having a smile on face looking them. Again I realized many times small things leave a smile on your face.

The weather is getting gorgeous, the days are longer and kids are having more reasons to play outside. It's sunny today and beside that some cool breeze is adding to it. I like summers more because it's perfect time to break out some bright colors. I love turquoise, spring green the most in summers, what are your essentials in summers? I wish I'd stay in this happy and chilled out place where it's sunny and breezy. But I guess life isn't meant to be easy and breezy.


  1. " Just Rain " coz i love rain in summers :D

  2. It is always the small things that make us smile more always ..

    weather here is also OK sorts its raining now in morning it was nice and sunny...


  3. It didn't rain here. :( I want to migrate to your place with the lake and the swans and the acha weather.

  4. @Zahidhasni Yeah rain is the NEED of summers :)

  5. @Bikram yeah the small things always leave a smile on our face. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. @AcetylCholine Oh sweety hope it rain soon there :) x

  7. Oooo nice :)

    Small Things means a lot in life :)

  8. yup sure...little things are needed to make us smile sometimes... :)

  9. @Muhammad nice to see you here. Thanks for stopping by :)

  10. its great to experience nature esp during summers in cold areas..Swans crossing road in rows and happy mood :)..SubhanAllah..


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