Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Set fire to the rain

Adele sets fire to all the singer. She is just an amazing singer. I am totally in love with her voice and touching lyrics. She has definitely got that bang in her. 

 I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
Well, it felt something died
Cause I knew that, that was the last time
The last time

I am sure she chose rain because rain always brings back the old memories, connect the dots back. I know I say such things over and again in my posts. But yet I want to say it again, don’t let anyone have a power over you unless he is not sincere to you. Don’t do things for him which you don’t want to do. I know at times it’s hard as number of things happening around just brings back all old memories.  But you have to settle it at your own. Believe you me no one is going to fix it for you. There is a side of you that you never knew, so find what you lost in yourself and be happy.

"There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace. Adapt yourself to all such times"



  1. Adele sure is amazing!! "Set fire to the rain"... even the title is so powerful!!

  2. Thanks for dropping by Meqsi. She is no doubt an amazing singer :) x

  3. There is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace. Adapt yourself to all such times"


    well said...

  4. Thanks for dropping by, I myself agree if we adapt ourselves with time then nothing is difficult :) xx


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