The new year lies before you
Like a spotless track of snow
Be careful how you tread on it
For every mark will show
The start of new year is the start of a new life. You are energetic and optimistic. In morning while I was getting ready for work I got few minutes to look at myself in mirror. Felt like I got little older, not sure if little wiser too or not :P The last year was one of the best years in my life. I mentioned about that in my last blog post as well. Well, didn't wrote much of the new year resolutions this time because I am sure I will take on every challenge with a new courage and determination to make it possible. You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision and determination and I have both of them with me. Hope all of you had a wonderful start of new year and everyone is ready to rock 2012 ahead. See you all along this way.
Hello from Ikra (: